Aragon was discovered by a Animal Talent Agency in 2010 and given an opportunity to audition for a role on an Emmy Award winning Television show.
In March 2010 that was CeCe’s giant 25 pound Bengal rescue Cat Aragon. For 5 seasons Aragon was cast as Lord Tubbington on the popular television show Glee. Working with celebrity animal trainers on set Aragon’s role as Lord Tubbington was outrageous! In his feline acting part Aragon showed his acting chops as Brittany’s Cat on her u-tube talk show fondue for two. Brittany Interviewed her beloved cat Lord Tubbington and learned his alter ego was
was more human than Cat. Throughout the shows tenure Lord Tubbington’s character, snuck out to eat Arby's, pooped magical candy bars, got married, joined a gang, was addicted to ecstasy and found himself part of a viral kitty porn sex tape.
Off set CeCe and Aragon The Cat-Actor, Comedian, Social Activist were signing Pawtographs and volunteering their time as a certified Pet Partners Animal Therapy team at hospitals and appearing as the celebrity cat at charity events in Washington D.C., Laguna Beach, Los Angeles and Colorado Springs Co.
CeCe has a back ground in Energy Therapy, Animal Therapy and Animal Training. They were featured as a nationally recognized Pet Partners Animal Therapy Team in The Animal Planet Documentary series Collar Of Duty. Aragon was featured as the nice cat in Animal Planets My Cat From Hell “Bea Hates CeCe” with Animal expert Jackson Galaxy.
CeCe currently resides in Laguna Beach Ca, and owns C2 K9 Pack Runs and C2 K9 Dog Training Services and an AKC certified and IACP certified dog trainer
For children on the autism spectrum, pets can be immensely helpful. To help families navigate this, we recently published a free guide on the ins and outs of pets and animal therapy for ASD families. Please take a look